
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mini Lemon Meringue Pie & The Happiness Project

(please excuse the random colours of the words - it's stuffing up on my end for some reason!)

Just a brief post before I delve into the goodness that is 'The Happiness Project" (by Gretchen Rubin)

I really don't have much in the way of photos and that's really what people want to see on here right (or else some amazing writing skills - of which I do not have!)
SO here is A photo!  I had some pastry that I'd frozen (yes, you can freeze pastry apparently!) that I had thawed to use as a base for my chicken pie. After defrosting it in the microwave and then sniffing/poking/tasting it decided that yes, it was just short pastry, not specifically sweet pastry, I rolled it out to use.  I found that it was too little to be a chicken pie base so I thought I'd better use it for something since I probably shouldn't RE-freeze it so I made these little lemon meringue pies in ramekins.  One each for me and hubster.  YUM!

Needless to say, we are now doing pilates at night ;-)

Right off to devour 'The Happiness Project'.  I'm about a third of the way through and LOVING it!  Unfortunately, hubby started reading it before me (I had it on back-order at the library) and now I only have until Monday (I can't renew it because someone else has a hold on it after me!) to finish it so I'm trying to squeeze in reading whenever I can.  Except for now.  Which I should be doing.  But anyway, you should read it, it's great (so far anyway!)

Sima J


  1. sounds like an interesting book.
    Nice to see you blogging again :)

  2. It DOES sound good, will totally have to have a look. And Lemon meringue - YUM, one of my fave desserts! Have fun pilate-ing it!

  3. got mine in the post today! $10 trademe... time to put off some housework!!


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